Thursday, July 30, 2009

A Scare at The Labor Dept.

Hey Man!
Well it was a little scary when they told me how I had to come right in since my claim was over due. But the paper I received in the mail said to just keep filing and everything would be just fine. So I left at seven am the next morning and off I went to the labor board. I got there very early but these days it has really gotten busy, so busy that they had added chairs everywhere. So after arriving very early I had to wait and wait and wait. It is a good thing that I brought my watchtower since I had plenty of time, so much time that I finished my watchtower completely. Yes that place was jamming. But when they called my name everything went real smooth and after just a couple of minutes I was on my way home with the job done. I told the lady how bad I felt since I was still out of work but she said don't worry the jobless rate is growing as we speak. So after that I knew it wasn't just me but the economy had really dropped. So today my wife and I had a good day going to the gym to work out for about an hour. It always feels good when we do that. Especially since my checks weren't going through so we were behind in paying our bills. I had to go and withdraw some from the savings to make things right. When we have to do that it is always heartbreaking.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Where is It?

Hey Man!
Well I learned a new thing yesterday and that is called facebook. I feel a little gayish to be me and be on facebook but it seems like all my friends are there and then some. So I feel I am just moving with progress this time. What can you say about that. The only thing bad is if you have people you don't want to talk to then you could be in trouble with them toning in and wanting to be friends and if you let someone be friends that you don't know that well then stinky things could happen to you. Well yesterday I heard a bad thing that hurt. It was when a daughter called her in-laws and asked them about their divorce and her reply from them was that they were in favor of the divorce. Even my Mom when I told her once was not happy about me getting a divorce. She may have done everything possible to push me to that point but when she realized that it was going to happen she was sad and didn't want that to happen to me. But that was not the case for my daughter since the in-laws wanted their son to leave her. They had no consolling words and no way did they want them to get back together. So to them marriage is not sacred and special I guess. Even if that would not be my choice I would never be behind the divorce. Especially since you can't pick their spouse in the first place anyway. So what does it all mean? Whatever you get from it I guess.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Sunday is Over!

Hey Man!
Well like I said it's over for this week anyway. People are divorcing and others are arguing and peopkle are looking as to who gets the kids. It is getting crazy, so it's like welcome good ole Monday. Probably the worse thing is when I talked to my mom and she told me that the hospital she is in told her she had less than 3 years left in her life. That floored me especially since I never thought someone could just tell her something like that. I thought they would have to consult the family or something like that. Especially since she has a weak heart and who knows what information like that could do to her. She is laid up in the hospital with very bad legs where she can't even get around on her own. That is a big reason she can't go home yet and she did let me know about her wish to be at home when that scary day would come to get her. It is good right now that some of the family is visiting her at the hospital. Really most of the gratitude goes to kristina who at twenty one takes on alot of this. She shows her love to mom almost every day by visiting her and also bringing her food and helping her with her clothes. The rest of the family lives too far to help at this time but still that is no excuse. But the praise still goes to kristina since she is doing something that is way beyond praise. It is worth so much thankfulness I could not even begin with the praise. She is doing something very special right now and I don't think she even realizes how special it really is. I try telling her at every chance I get and that's by saying," what would happen if you were not able to do what you are doing, I would not even want to think about it". What a girl!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

It is Rough!

Hey Man!
Sometimes you don't realize how good things are until it's too late. Even if you have people in the family that you don't feel like you are that close to them, you can find out later how much they did mean to you. Sometimes you don't see too much of that person and pretty much you don't think about them that much either. But all of a sudden they are breaking up and you will now loose that person from your family and even though you didn't see them that much but now you know they will be gone. So I guess I took them for granted in a way but at the time you felt like that's the way they liked it and of course you are not the type of person that would ever rock the boat. Not now, not ever. So now they are just about gone all but the crying and picking up the pieces. So it is always good to remember that when they are gone it's too late because by then the crying won't help, nothing will help at that time. And of course you wanted to step in and show your concerns but you didn't want to but in either. So when you didn't really think it was serious you stayed out of it for fear you would make it bad. Now that it has gotten really bad you think you should have said something from the beginning and maybe you could have prevented this if at all possible. It is so sad and remember it's loosing a member that really wasn't in your life that much at all. So it does make you realize what loosing family members does especially when kids are involved too. It makes me so sad especially since I really thought him and I always had this connection, I know we weren't close but I always thought that we were buddies. Now that this much time has passed there is nothing I could see me doing except start the crying machine. I might have let pride get in the way or maybe I felt I would make it worse instead of going with the gut feeling. Don't let this happen without interjecting your thoughts like I did.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Happy to be Alive!

Hey Man!
Well sometimes it seems too late to do something and you really feel bad that it has to be that way. I feel that will happen with my mom since she is in such bad condition right now. Her breathing has gotten so bad that I was thinking that the doctors must have done something that they should not have done. So I came up with the idea of looking into the matter in case that is something that happened. Of course you could look into that and think I am trying to make some money over it. But that is really not the reason, it's because if the doctors did something like that then I would feel someone should have to pay for something like that. Now I also am feeling bad about my daughters family. When they were at my house and I had a party I introduced my son in law to everyone since I had feelings for him of course. So now that they are getting a divorce I am really feeling terrible since I am feeling that there are things that I should have done that I didn't. I never knew that they were taking their relationship to this level so now I feel I could have gone to him to advise or express my love for them together. I kept thinking that it was too late to say anything and now I just feel that I should have said something especially since I feel they were good together and I really didn't feel as though bad things like this would have happened between them. So when you think you should say something don't think about it just do it!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The Convention!

Hey Man!
Well we all went to a wonderful weekend of great spirituality. It was the best. We were looking at the last days are not that far away. We can see how people have really turned bad at this time. Also with this bad economy it really seems xtra bad all the time. So by going to the convention this weekend we learned alot of what the new system will bring. We are not in fear of the end since we know what will surely come. When Jesus comes down to us all we will know that these days will come to it's end. When all the 144,00 will judge mankind with it's king Jesus Christ. Then the righteous and the unrighteous will be brought to the forfront and will be judged by our God Jehovah and his son Jesus Christ. We will want to be among the group that is approved by our king and redeemer Jesus Christ. We also look forward to the ressurrection and to the time when no man will say " I am sick". The time when there will be no more pain and no more death, the former things have been done away with. What a beautiful time for sure that will be and the devil will be put into the abyss for one thousand years. We can't wait for the day!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Here Come the Witnesses!

Hey Man!
We had our wonderful convention this weekend and many are having their convention all the different weekend's coming up for many weekend's to come. It is so faith inspiring that we need that during these days. Especially these days that we consider to be the last days. That was the true subject of the convention being in the last days before Jesus will be sent here to be our King and Jehovah God's government with then take over and will do the things that no earthly government has ever been able to do. God's promise was that one day we would all live in a paradise right here on earth, yes right here on earth. Our job will be to work right here and to bring this earth to a paradise the way it was intended to be. The 144,000 will rule in heaven with Jesus as their king and everyone else will stay right here on earth to make this a wonderful paradise. Then the scripture in Revelation 21:1-4 will come to be where it says there will be no mourning nor outcry nor pain nor death, the former things have passed away. Wow! What a great day that will be. That is why it is so important to seek God's kingdom now and all the other things will be added to us. It is important to follow the bible now and to do the things in it, like preaching the word of truth throughout the lands. The witnesses offer free bible studies to all who seek the truth.

Back at the Pool!

Hey Man!
We went to the pool today and it was a good day. The sun was shining and the water was warm and all that good stuff. What started it all out was that my grandson come into my house with grease on his shoes and he tracked it all through the house on our off white carpets. Then of course I had to take out the machine to try and clean the carpets before the grease would sink into the carpets and really make the carpet look bad. It could have made it look like the carpet needed to be thrown out. That is what tracking grease through the house will do to the carpet especially since we have had this carpet since we moved here and the other people had the same carpet from the beginning of the house being built until now. So who is counting, right? So after the nice day at the pool we returned home and had a nice relaxing time watching a movie and eating meatball sandwiches. I guess tomorrow we will try to get a movie at Kroger which I love since they are now costing only a dollar for the rental of new CD's for one night. Now that is a very good bargain for sure. I look forward to that movie cube rental. It is a real bargain. Especially since blockbuster is about $5.00 for a Cd for only two nights. Now tell me that is not a hot deal. Yes sir it is!

Monday, July 13, 2009

The Dentist!

Hey Man!
Well today i was informed that I had previously agreed to take my grandson to the dentist. The last time I did take him I think we were there for several hours at least. They are asian, and they are very good dentists but speed is not something they posess, not even close. So he was at his house and his stepdad was still camping which was good. But better to be safe, I told my daughter that lives with us to come with me so he won't think I have anything evil planned. So I get to the house and there is no answer, and I am ringing the bell and knocking. I even went across the street to see if he was at his friends house who he plays with alot especially now since his mom and step-dad are getting a divorce. It is even getting a little messy so I would not want to be there alone he might think I was there to do something evil. So as I went back to the door and I am banging on the front door for him, the car pulls up in the driveway and yes it's the step-dad. So as soon as I saw him I said that I was there to pick my grandson up to take him to the dentist. I yelled that right away so he would not think I was there for any other reasons. Especially hurtful reasons. So in a few minutes we were off to the dentist without anything bad happening and no one had their ruffles messed up either. After being at the dentist for over an hour and my daughter doesn't sit down because of germs my grandson calls me into the back office since he needs some questions answered. But meanwhile he tells me that they asked him if "his grandfather spoke any english", that was funny. And then he says "that they thought we were both mexicans". Now I am laughing very hard and I had to repeat that to many people. I have a wonderful family and I am very proud of them all. I really was hoping that my daughter and her husband could have worked things out since I really felt that him and I were really getting along pretty good. I know all family's have their problems and no one is perfect but I thought that we did have a connection. I always tried to make things the best I could for him when I knew he was coming over my house. I was even hoping that before too long I could have gotten to go on one of his camping trips. I was really looking for ward to doing something like that. I really don't have anyone here that I am close to other than my immediate family and I felt he was getting to that point but now with the break up coming I think that's something that won't happen. It is sad when I think of this all happening. As much as I thought they were maybe different, they also were alot the same. I really really hoped this would be a good one that made it. Oh how I was wrong I am so sorry to say....

Sunday, July 12, 2009

The Pool!

Hey Man!
Well today was an extremely confusing day right from the start. We seemed as if we didn't know which end was up or what>. First we did not go to the convention like we were suppose to go to. Then we were going to go to the Grayson congregation and then that changed as well as with every thing else. Like I said this was a very confused day all the way through. My wife and daughter went to the other meeting and then they were going to another meeting that evening too. So it ended up where they would be going to a couple of meetings in one whole day. I do believe the company they were keeping had alot to do with it. Yes siree and I do remember her telling me how much they had in common. From horses to music and many other things also. He also told my daughter how much he enjoys shooting squirels with his shot gun when he gets bored. They seem to be very woodsey people. But they also seem to be very spiritual too. That does make me very very happy. I just hope that it wears off on my daughter too. She is a very sweet child and I do try as much as I can with the spiritual teachings. We stay pretty regular with our teaching out of the bible and also teaching the watchtower. She is a very good girl and she has a good heart. I ask Jehovah's help in giving her the spiritual guidelines that she needs so much. Please help us as a family to succeed and to obey all of the laws we need to obey dear God.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Was It Wednesday?

Hey Man!
The other night my daughter came over and brought me a very special book and it was all about the life of Dan Marino, the miami dolphin quarterback. I remember going to miami from phila. and watching Dan Marino in the orange bowl playing as a dolphin way back when. I now have these memory plates with differt pictures of Dan Marino on them. I have some what of my own museum of the dolphins staring Dan Marino of course. I was never a big sports fan but I did become a dophin fan when Marino played for them. He was probably one of the greatest quarterbacks of all time, one that never won the superbowl. That is the bad part that he never did win that big game. He did play chicago one year when chicago had only one loss and it just so happened to be to the dolphins that year. It was funny especially since the 72 dolphins went undefeated, winning all of their games including the superbowl. The year they played the bears the dolphins were really not that good. But when they came up against the bears, chicago was really never into the game at all. From the kick off the dolphins were running away with the victory. Marino was throwing touchdown after touchdown and never let those bears come close to them. It was a sight to see that night. So my daughter brought me that special dolphin book called "Dan Marino". "My life in football". Now that is very special!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Today's News!

Hey Man!
It was very sad to hear today. When my daughter said she was served with her divorce papers today it was shocking. I know we didn't get along like best of friends but I did think we got along pretty well together. We were only together at family dinners mostly but there were some other times that we did get together and I always thought we did get along. Our views were not that far apart from one another and I even thought that he and my daughter got along pretty good to. So when I heard the news today I was pretty well shocked, since I really thought they were going to fix their problems and get back together and continue on with their marriage. They have a beautiful son together and I thought all the problems they had was very fixable. Alot of people have kids in the hospital or there is terrible disease in their family. But nothing like that in their marriage, nothing like that at all. I really thought that after five years had passed, they would make this all work and he would be my son in law for keeps. I was ready for that and like I said I thought we all did pretty well together, sometimes little problems with my wife but other than that we were sailing through life. We were even getting our blog together which he was showing me how to do it and get paid for it. Also no one ever made it with their first choice in the family but number two always made it and he was the number two man. But as far as the odds go this one seems to not be working like the number two picks have worked in the past. I guess I thought the family was alot stronger than it really was.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

It's the Same!

Hey Man!
Well here it is several months now well exactly two and one half month's and my mom is still in the hospital. She is going from the hospital to the rehab like a couple times each week. She says they even have a cheering section when she arrives and leaves each place. She says they hate to see her leave but sometimes I really wonder about that since she is very demanding. She is demanding of all her meals for sure. Then she does have a bad potty problem. She took more than she should have of these immodium pills. They clog her up but when she is out of them she gets a bad case of the poops. I do mean a bad case of the poops. The bad thing about that is she can't make it to the potty but she says it's not that bad because she wears a large diaper that holds it all in. I think she says that because she can't see it all. There is no way if she has the diarear that it is not running out the sides of the diaper. The mess has to be extremely bad and very very messy. Yikes! She is working on making it to the potty on her own and I know the nurses are really working hard to get her there too. She is a good size woman and it's very easy to see that they want her to hobble or crawl or whatever to get to that toilet to go on her own for a change. If that was me I would try to get her up in the middle of the night to go potty. She justs thinks it's not bad because they don't let her see the mess or she just can't turn her neck around to see the mess she made and probably doesn't really want to see it either. She is probably getting used to feeling that gooky feeling in her diaper. That is awful to say but it seems like that is what's happening. She is really enjoying getting those meals brought to her where before sometimes it was hoping there would be a meal coming. Now she has choices and they are brought to her in clean dishes and cups too. Now that is very special. Her friend Kirk is trying to get some cleaning fluids to get her place cleaned before the housing people see it the way it is now. That was scary when I heard that since it sounded like that has to be saying something is looking pretty bad right now. We will see how this goes.