Thursday, July 9, 2009

Today's News!

Hey Man!
It was very sad to hear today. When my daughter said she was served with her divorce papers today it was shocking. I know we didn't get along like best of friends but I did think we got along pretty well together. We were only together at family dinners mostly but there were some other times that we did get together and I always thought we did get along. Our views were not that far apart from one another and I even thought that he and my daughter got along pretty good to. So when I heard the news today I was pretty well shocked, since I really thought they were going to fix their problems and get back together and continue on with their marriage. They have a beautiful son together and I thought all the problems they had was very fixable. Alot of people have kids in the hospital or there is terrible disease in their family. But nothing like that in their marriage, nothing like that at all. I really thought that after five years had passed, they would make this all work and he would be my son in law for keeps. I was ready for that and like I said I thought we all did pretty well together, sometimes little problems with my wife but other than that we were sailing through life. We were even getting our blog together which he was showing me how to do it and get paid for it. Also no one ever made it with their first choice in the family but number two always made it and he was the number two man. But as far as the odds go this one seems to not be working like the number two picks have worked in the past. I guess I thought the family was alot stronger than it really was.

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