Tuesday, June 30, 2009

What Now?

Hey Man!
Well it was good to find out that I had alot more time left on my unemployment which was just great. Now it just really gets to you real bad sometimes just sitting at home alot. Also when the Mrs doesn't get along with you anymore makes things really difficult. It is hard sometimes trying to be sweet when you are talked to so badly that it makes it bad just trying to speak to that person. I feel I keep trying over and over again but as I said before it is very very hard when you are being spoken to so badly over and over again. When things aren't going good and the family is together on things you really feel you all can get through it but when you don't speak to each other it makes things seem so impossible. I really do everything I can to not let things get like that but we both need to work on it otherwise it doesn't work well. Then the air gets very thick in the house and that is so bad for my daughter and she will ask me how are you and mom doing together dad? That is enough to just break your heart as it comes to you from your own daughter. When there are money problems it can hurt all the areas of the household. It sometimes gives you the feeling of things getting to be impossible. Also being out of work really works on a person very negatively all the time. I keep trying to do things right and to make my meetings regular as well as doing our studies like we used to. We probably pray alot more now too since we need Jehovah's holy spirit to be with us always. Satan throughs everything he can at us during these last days. Our assembly deals almost entirely with the time of the end being now. We know that things have gotten very bad since 1914 and it just keeps getting worse. We ask God to bless our family and to keep us safe and to help us fight all the direct hits of satan the devil because he doesn't let up at this time.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

The Events!

Hey Man!
Well things are still running bad. My daughter is breaking her marriage, and I don't mean it's her fault, what I mean is that it is just falling apart. I am very sad about that since they have a beautiful son together. And I know from experience that a dad really looses when the marriage breaks up. You never will get close with your children after that. In some cases the children will grow up resenting you. I can speak from experience when it comes to that. My two girls and me have become very separated after the first marriage. Especially since I had three girls after that and of course I have gotten closer with those three since I did live with them in the same house. No matter how you try to not let that happen, it just does. I really tried too. I think living so far away had something to do with it too. They moved to pittsburgh after the divorse since they needed the help of her mother. I can't blame her for that but that long distance made things hard. Especially for visiting. We really couldn't see each other every other weekend or anything close to that. We would have had to be very rich to have afforded all those plane rides. There is no way to get those years back either. Then the one daughter broke up with her husband after having one child. So she tried to make it work and then had another child. She must have given him at least ten or more tries. As I write this she is still giving him more chances at the marriage. It is ashame that she can't just move on but she is too busy giving it just one more chance. When he moved with her in Tennesee she ended up loosing everything. He couldn't keep a job so she lost her house she was buying and her two new cars that she was financing also. Her credit also went down the drain. She has a good job as a hair stylist and she did work in a fancy smancy place to do hair in the grand ole opry mall. She was making some good money but she wasn't able to keep three kids, that's counting the husband. Now my oldest daughter here is having a very hard time with the husband and she has a very good job and of course he doesn't work so she has an extra kid in her house too. I am in another fix since I lost my job at sixty years old. That truley is a very hard blow. I am trying to take some classes to learn a trde in health care. They are six weeks or ten week classes. I am hoping to get the aid to get through that. That way I will be able to support my family which I have to do even at my age of sixty. I really never thought I would loose my job at the hotel that I had and loved for over twenty years. Now with my injured foot I don't think I could work at the same position with the condition of my foot. Also the hotels have really changed in the last year. The banquet parties have really slowed down alot. I used to work alot of weddings and it looks like alot of people are not getting married like they used to and when they are they are doing it at home and using their friends to all bring in different prepared plates of food for the banquet. I do have the one thing that really holds a family together and that is the strong belief in God. Thank God for that.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Brace God's Word!

Hey Man!
Truly those who have embraced God's word have come from every tribe and tongue and people and nation. They are to be found among the rich and the poor, the highly educated and the illiterate. Some have accepted the word under conditions of war and harsh persecution, while others have done so through times of peace and prosperity. Under every type of government in all cultures from concentration camps to palaces men and women have responded favorably to the good news. What sort of men are denied an opportunity to be saved and come to an accurate knowledge of the truth? The apostle Paul reminded his fellow anointed christians of God's will that " all sorts of men should be saved and come to an accurate knowledge of truth." For this they were to pray that they be granted a calm and quiet life so that they might proclaim the kingdom good news to all who had a listening ear. Today reaching all sorts of men with the good news takes on special meaning for Jehovah's Witnesses. According to 1 Timothy 4:10 "We are working hard and exerting ourselves, because we have rested our hope on a living God, who is a savior of all sorts of men, especially of faithful ones." Prayers are to be made concerning all sorts of men including those in high station. It is the will of God, the savior, that all sorts of men should be saved and come to an accurate knowledge of truth.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Where is She?

Hey Man!
Well when I called her at the rehab place they said she was sent to the hospital. I thought how did that happen to her. She was getting better the last time I talked to her. She was looking to go home before too long. And now they said she has gone to the hospital. So I asked what is going on with her and this place. They told me they tried to get a hold of someone but the numbers they had were all disconnected. The nurse told me that she was sent to the hospital for an altered mental state. What could that be now? So I called my other sister to see whats going on. She told me that my brother visited her and maybe left her with her old perscription of knock out pills. So when the nurse's went into her room to talk to her she was not making any sense and was talking crazy. So now I am trying to call someone but no one is answering their phone. I am sure no one wants to take the blame for this one now. Especially since someone brought pills into the hospital for her to take. I do believe that is not a legal thing to do especially when the medication is not perscribed to her at the moment. So of course they are shocked to see her out of it when they go to her room to take her to the rehab area. Her last visitor was the brother and he left her with what she took is what is being said now. So instead of working to get back home she is now backing up by going to the hospital with an altered mental state. What can we all make of this now? How can this be taken? These and many other questions will be answered in the near future we hope.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Sunday, Good Ole Sunday!

Hey Man!
Well it's good ole sunday, my favorite day of all. Why is it, I don't really know except for on this day the mail doesn't run. That's a very good thing for sure. I was the watchtower reader today and that is always good. So now the meeting is over and I am changed for a possible pool day. The girls are going to the amusement park which is called six flaggs over georgia. There are all kinds of rides there and along with that there are alot of long long lines. Sometimes there are lines that are a couple hours long for a ride that lasts a few seconds only. The boys that were invited are not going with them today because why we don't know for sure. I think they are being a little prissy about the whole outing especially since the problem the other day. I really don't think they got over all that stuff. We just continue on and really we are better off since we don't have to worry about things as much since my daughter and the fellow are not seeing each other like they were before. That has to be the greatest relief of all time. We don't have to worry about this older dude with our sweet daughter. Now our worries are with our older daughter that is married with her two boys. Now that will be the focus of alot of worrying for a long time it appears. Since he wants to break up and has now threatened to take the young son away from her. So now he is marking down all the negative things he can think of so he will have some ammunition for the day in court. Oh how things can really turn around. Yikes!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Hope there is More Time!

Hey Man!
I really really do too. I know that there has to be a job out there for me but I have not been finding it as of now. I don't know what I have been doing wrong but I have been at it pretty good as of late. I have not given up looking at all. Now I was promised a full time job at publix by one of the brother's and I thought that was as good as gold. But this is many month's later and I have been checking in with that company but nothing has been happening. I thought for sure I would be with that company but I guess he didn't know it would be as hard as it is to get some work. I really need to start as soon as possible so I don't get deep in debt. I need some type of job and the longer I am out of work than the harder it will be to get a job. Now I also called my mother and she is also not doing well right now. She said that they told her she should have not gotten the heart operation like she did. That really is a hard blow for sure. She has really gone through alot as of now. So when I called it sounded like she has had a set back and is not doing so good. I can't believe she is going through as much as she is. We are all so thankful that Julie and her family is doing as much as they are for now. We now pray that everything will go good with her and her hospital stay. Sincerely, Petey.

Monday, June 15, 2009

A Good Day!

Hey Man!
I was happy to go to the meeting and hear the talk. It was very good at the proper time. It was all about forgiving each other for what ever reason. We all needed that talk since that episode happened with the boy and my daughter and that ended up being very bad. The talk was good for all to hear and always forgive your brother no matter what. Not to come into a meeting and sit on one side because your brother is sitting on the other side. We didn't see the parents on sunday but we all went back to the meeting and were ready to see them anyway. And we were prepared to deal with them like nothing has happened and everything was just fine. So at the lake we had a great time and the brothers that were there made it really good too. We got to eat some good food and have a couple glasses of wine and we were able to get in alot of fellowshiping too. It was so very nice and the lott was just great too. We were located right on a beach and the water was great. My daughter was in the water the entire time. So we were very happy about having a super sunday. I just wish my other daughter could have been there too.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

After the Pool!

Hey Man!
Well it was some time after the pool. This guy is not suppose to even come into my house and he was going upstairs in my house. My daughter told me he wanted to take a shower in our house and she was very unhappy with him doing that. So I look and sure enough he is headed up the stairs and directing himself toward the bathroom to take a shower. Well my older daughter sees him and stops him going to the bathroom. Now she gets right in his face and tells him no way. But he trys to push through her. Now she is very mad about this so she takes off her shoes and is pounding him on the head with her shoes. Well as they come down the steps I grab onto her and try to hold her. But she gets away and chases him right out the door. I didn't know she was hitting him over the head the whole way outside. And I did not know that he had called her a very bad name and in my house too. So needless to say all went bad that day. Now with him telling his parents and they go to our hall it has gotten bad but I go back to him not being allowed in my house. And if he never came into my house like is suppose to happen then this never would have happened.

Monday, June 8, 2009

What happened Now?

Hey Man!
The next day and it is so weird about all the things that happened yesterday. The good thing was calling the lawyers office and finding out that everything is just fine. The letter they sent was something they sent to all their clients for anything that may occur in the future. So that was a big relief. But today was something after realizing all the stuff that happened after the pool. When everybody got back to the house and a certain someone wanted to take a shower at the house. Well of course no one wanted that to happen and instead of me getting to him and saying that it's not a good idea today. The sister got to him and everything went down hill from there. Until he was leaving and in a mad tirade. So now after the break up and it being quite nasty too. We are kind of worried about the dude since we know his family and things should not have gotten this far out. We thought about it and nothing we really could have done to change things. It breaks your heart to ever see people breaking their hearts though. It is time to move on and start over with love.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

The Pool!

Hey Man!
Well what a day we had today. At the pool went us to enjoy a marvelous day there. But things did not go as planned. No sir they did not. When there we had severeal people join us and they were friends of our daughter Daniella and a friend of Angelina's. It was very hot and we did get a little burned too. But when the day was over and my wife and I returned home we were just waiting till the rest of the group returned also. So after we got home and took our showers then my daughter's friend came over along with her and my older daughter. While they were here there was some loud voices and when we looked up we saw arguing and bickering going on. When the smoke cleared we saw Daniella and this friend arguing pretty good at this point. And now there was some loud talking and some harsh words being said. Wow, we are now in disbelief about all that is going on. Yikes! This has now turned very badly and you might say even a little dirty. Our daughter and this male friend are now yelling at each other on our stairway. Now they are at the bottom of the stairway and still yelling. He has now said some very hurtful things to her and now she has slapped him several times. Also he is now threatening her that he will call the police. It has gotten very very bad. They have now gone out the front door all yelling and slapping. Words were said that were severe. Now after leaving he calls back and wants all the things he gave my daughter back right now. Yes, that's jewlery and all kinds of camera's and picture frames and also x-box 360. Can you believe all this? It is over now since you don't ask for that x-box back unless it is very severe. So now my daughter knows that bad times are here with this relationship for sure. He got his you know what slapped silly and he is done yes he is out for the count. See ya buddy.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Making Disciples!

Hey Man!
We use our time and energy and talents not only to self advancement but we do the Kingdom preaching work and disciple making work and this is very much like making an investment. Everyone that has done this has reaped rich rewardsspiritually. For example this man had a very good job as a computer technician. But the bad thing was that his job took up alot of his time where he neglected his spiritual duties for himself and his family. Finally he quit his job because it was taking up all his time and energy and was leaving him spiritually impoverished. So he took up a new job and that was selling ice cream from a truck. He could then work as little or as many hours as he wanted. Now he had more time to spend with his family and taking care of his spiritual needs. His former work mates made fun of him and how do you think this worked out? Actually he made more money since there was a great desire for some good ice cream. It made him happier since it took alot of the stressand worry that he had with his former job. And most of all he feels closer to Jehovah and he has given his family a good hold on the truth. In this time of the end it is so important to get close to our loving God, Jehovah. These are critical times to deal with so we need to make the changes that are needed now so our families can become safe and they will get stronger spiritually.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

At Rehab!

Hey Man!
I got to talk to mom today finally and that was just great. She sounded so good to me even though she said she was having problems with her breathing. Then she told me that she had all the pamphlets that I sent her on her table and the lady next to her had a visitor and she asked mom what she was doing with the pamphlets. My mom told her she was going to through them away because she didn't have glasses so she couldn't read them. The lady told her that she was a Jehovah's witness and she was so happy to have found my mom. That was so exciting to hear about. I told her that was just great. She told the lady that I was an elder in the Georgia congregation. I thought that was so funny since I am an attendant tonight but not an elder. I guess to my mom I seem like an elder. I guess I must be doing my job of preaching to her since she thinks I am an elder. The lady talked to her for over two hours after she found out that her son was one of Jehovah's witness. I was so pleased that she was noticed, because now she will get someone to preach a little to her I hope. If she is in the hospital listening maybe something will sink in. My mom did tell me about the assembly that was going to be in west palm beach. It was a very encouraging talk I had with my mom today.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

What to do?

Hey Man!
That seems to be the question right now. What should I do now.
I need to get some type of employment but if I get it right now then it would be some what hard to travel to see my mom. Although I could still go by plane and just be gone for the weekend. I know I need to make up my mind quickly since those last pics of my mom were looking very bad lately. I really can't see her getting home after this. But we all said that last time and then she was back home taking care of herself again. So you can never count her out no matter how bad it looks. I think this time she has lost alot of her will power, since she always seems down and out because the pain she is feeling is pretty bad. My sister and brother just called to find out her information to call her since she is now in rehab. All of a suden they sent her to rehab but it doesn't look like she should be there. Although if she doesn't learn to care for herself she may be looking at a nursing home when she is able to leave that place. She would have to be able to get from the bed to her wheel chair and also be able to wheel her way to the bathroom and get on and off the potty. Her knees also seem to have gotten worse with filling up with water like they do. I know she really doesn't want to live with anyone but I really think that would be better than going into a nursing room Especially since money would be tight so the nursing home would not be of the best condition. And we all know what is said about nursing homes and I mean the good ones let alon those ones that have bad reputations too. So things right now are looking very bleak for my mom. I am hoping and praying that things may change for the better.

Monday, June 1, 2009


Hey Man!
I got a picture of my mom in the email today and was very surprised about it. She looked really bad and this is after getting her heart operation and then telling everbody how good she is doing. Well this is now many weeks later and she does not look good especially to go to rehab now. I don't see how she is going to rehab. She still needs lots of medication and care. I don't see how she will ever go home anyway. Because when she goes home she will have to somewhat take care of herself. Yikes! I do not see that as possible. I see now that I do need to get down there to see her as soon as I can since her health does not look so good to say the least. She is 80 years old and I did think she would get through this since her mom was well into her 90's before she passed. That is surely why my mom did this operation because she felt she had at least 15 more years to go yet. But in less she makes a complete turn around in rehab I just don't see how she can do it. The last time she was sick she did make that miracle turn around and went back to her apartment and was living on her own again but this does seem to be a little more serious. Although she was doing so bad at Dolly's house when Dolly was doing everything for her. At that time we never thought she would be able to go back to her place again. But she did. So I will never put it past her to do it again. But I will be alot more surprised if she can do it this time.