Monday, June 22, 2009

Where is She?

Hey Man!
Well when I called her at the rehab place they said she was sent to the hospital. I thought how did that happen to her. She was getting better the last time I talked to her. She was looking to go home before too long. And now they said she has gone to the hospital. So I asked what is going on with her and this place. They told me they tried to get a hold of someone but the numbers they had were all disconnected. The nurse told me that she was sent to the hospital for an altered mental state. What could that be now? So I called my other sister to see whats going on. She told me that my brother visited her and maybe left her with her old perscription of knock out pills. So when the nurse's went into her room to talk to her she was not making any sense and was talking crazy. So now I am trying to call someone but no one is answering their phone. I am sure no one wants to take the blame for this one now. Especially since someone brought pills into the hospital for her to take. I do believe that is not a legal thing to do especially when the medication is not perscribed to her at the moment. So of course they are shocked to see her out of it when they go to her room to take her to the rehab area. Her last visitor was the brother and he left her with what she took is what is being said now. So instead of working to get back home she is now backing up by going to the hospital with an altered mental state. What can we all make of this now? How can this be taken? These and many other questions will be answered in the near future we hope.

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