Monday, May 25, 2009

We didn't go!

Hey Man!
When we woke up on friday we went down to the TV and we were watching the weather on all channels and what we saw was rain rain rain just about everywhere. So it looked like there would be plenty of rain all the way down. We did not like what we saw for sure. As we were watching the more worried we got over all the reports. I finally said to my wife that I think we should cancel this trip because it looks too dangerous. It had so much rain on every road there and back. The ocean was said to be so ruff that no one would be allowed anywhere near the ocean since the rip tide was so bad. We thought if the rooms that we had reserved let us cancel than thats what we should do. So as soon as we called they understood about the bad weather and they cancelled the room with no charge at all. That was something since they are known for not ever cancelling any rooms for people. But we did explain that we were in georgia and the roads there were very dangerous because of the rain. We are sad not to see my mom since she is sick in the hospital but when my wife has bad thoughts or dreams about bad things happening to us if we drove then do not try to travel. She has been right about stuff like that almost always. So here we are still in georgia.

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