Monday, April 13, 2009

Stings and Bites!

Hey Man!
When the warm weather arrives so do the insects that enjoy to share our living spaces.Wasps and Bees are some of these characters. Don't forget those Spiders too, they love the warmer weather. Some people are caught off guard since these Spiders can bite and some even jump.This jumping spider will follow you with it's big eyes until it has you in it's sight and bam! Now you have a hurtful bite. Their sting has been described as very painful with a terrible sting. It always pays to be cautious and of all things promptly visit the doctor or hospital especially if the reactions are getting worse as time goes by. But if you are having trouble breathing than you need to run to the doctor's or hospital right away. That means things are bad and chances are they will get worse. So please watch out for those jumpers!

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